Croeso i Sioe Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru 2023!
Arddangosfa 2023: Addasu
Curating the show has involved the identification of a series of cross-cutting themes each of which relates in some way to adaptability and serves to group together different student work. The themes encompass a wide array of the topics that students are taught to skilfully navigate and adapt to in their creative pursuits. From the realms of memory, culture, and heritage to the complexities of existing structures, the challenges of urban regeneration, the importance of public engagement, the preservation of ecology, the urgent realities of climate change, and the dynamic interplay of politics, each theme serves as a guiding beacon for students to explore and adapt to the multifaceted dimensions of their design journey.
Mae curadu’r sioe wedi golygu nodi cyfres o themâu trawsbynciol y mae pob un ohonynt yn ymwneud mewn rhyw ffordd â’r gallu i addasu ac yn fodd i grwpio gwaith myfyrwyr gwahanol gyda’i gilydd. Mae’r themâu’n cwmpasu amrywiaeth eang o’r testunau y caiff myfyrwyr eu haddysgu i ganfod llwybr trwyddynt ac addasu iddynt yn fedrus yn eu gweithgareddau creadigol. O feysydd cof, diwylliant a threftadaeth i gymhlethdodau strwythurau presennol, heriau adfywio trefol, pwysigrwydd ymgysylltu â’r cyhoedd, cadw ecoleg, realiti brys y newid yn yr hinsawdd, a chydadwaith deinamig gwleidyddiaeth, mae pob thema yn gweithredu fel esiampl arweiniol i fyfyrwyr archwilio ac addasu i ddimensiynau amlochrog eu taith ddylunio.

Y Sioe Rhithwir
During the early stages of the exhibition design process, the concept of ‘Adapt’ emerged from a discussion on leveraging the existing systems established for the previous year’s WSA exhibition. This involved exploring the potential of utilizing display frames and the website template to generate a fresh and captivating experience. This led to questions about how being able to adapt to incoming stimuli is something that is inherent in all good architects and what studying at the WSA teaches students. This exhibition encapsulates the spirit of transformation, as we traverse diverse architectural landscapes, confront social and environmental challenges, navigate the intricacies of multiculturalism and technological advancements, and acclimate to an ever-evolving post-pandemic reality. With each display and installation, we celebrate the inherent capacity within us to embrace change and mould it into an opportunity for growth and reinvention. ‘Adapt’ serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of architecture, reinforcing our shared commitment to shaping a better world through our designs and dedication to adaptive thinking.
Yn ystod camau cynnar y broses dylunio arddangosfa, daeth y cysyniad o ‘Addasu’ i’r amlwg o drafodaeth ar drosoli’r systemau presennol a sefydlwyd ar gyfer arddangosfa Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru y flwyddyn flaenorol. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys archwilio potensial defnyddio fframiau arddangos a thempled y wefan i greu profiad ffres a chyfareddol. Arweiniodd hyn at gwestiynau ynghylch sut mae gallu addasu i ysgogiadau sy’n dod i mewn yn rhywbeth sy’n gynhenid i bob pensaer da ac yn rhywbeth mae astudio yn Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru yn ei ddysgu i fyfyrwyr. Mae’r arddangosfa hon yn crynhoi ysbryd trawsnewid, wrth i ni groesi tirweddau pensaernïol amrywiol, wynebu heriau cymdeithasol ac amgylcheddol, cael hyd i ffordd trwy gymhlethdodau amlddiwylliannedd a datblygiadau technolegol, a dod i arfer â realiti ôl-bandemig sy’n esblygu’n barhaus. Gyda phob arddangosfa a gosodiad, rydym yn dathlu’r gallu cynhenid o’n mewn i groesawu newid a’i fowldio’n gyfle i dyfu ac ailddyfeisio. Mae ‘Addasu’ yn destament pwerus i bŵer trawsnewidiol pensaernïaeth, gan atgyfnerthu ein hymrwymiad ar y cyd i lunio byd gwell trwy ein dyluniadau a’n hymroddiad i feddwl ymaddasol.
Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru
Presenting drawings, models, charts, maps and other visual materials, this publication depicts the range of work included in the Welsh School of Architecture’s Student Exhibition 2023. Its title, ‘adapt’ stems from the student curatorial team’s decision to reuse the display system developed for the school’s equivalent 2022 show again this year. Aiming to produce a sustainable exhibition by recycling materials rather than beginning again from scratch and to work with the knowledge the display system embodies from an earlier year of student curators, the team set out to reconfigure standardised parts to showcase a rich variety of studio themes and projects, as of years of study and programmes, in different ways.
‘Adapt’ also refers to a broader range of activities that have characterised the school in the past year as to long-standing features of the school’s focus and vision. 2022-23, of course, has been the first full year of study back in the school and university campus since the pandemic, requiring students to adapt both to new and re-learned ways of living and working. It has also been the first full year of life back in the school’s long-term home, the Bute Building, which was adapted between 2018 and 2022 to provide a range of new facilities suited to a contemporary school of architecture. Adaptation is a theme that surfaces across the school’s curricula and research portfolio such as through projects that address the utility and performance of historic buildings, that seek to generate resource efficiencies through the reuse of materials, or that encourage adaptive capacities in designers themselves as they develop proposals iteratively in response to consultation with community stakeholders. Adaptation also relates to the school’s overarching goal to make a contribution to the transition to and making of a sustainable built environment that shapes the wellbeing of present and future generations and cares for the planet.
Finally, as adaptation describes what all students completing this year of study will do as they move forward in their course or on from the school into new worlds or learning or work, ‘adapt’ captures a moment at the cusp of change – a moment for hearty congratulations and celebration together of what has been achieved by our students in 2022-23.
Juliet Davis, Head of the WSA
Gan gyflwyno lluniadau, modelau, siartiau, mapiau a deunyddiau gweledol eraill, mae’r wefan hon yn darlunio’r ystod o waith sydd wedi’i gynnwys yn Arddangosfa Myfyrwyr Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru 2023. Mae’r teitl, ‘addasu’, yn deillio o benderfyniad tîm curadurol y myfyrwyr i ailddefnyddio’r system arddangos a ddatblygwyd ar gyfer sioe gyfatebol yr ysgol yn 2022 eto eleni. Gan anelu at gynhyrchu arddangosfa gynaliadwy trwy ailgylchu deunyddiau yn hytrach na dechrau eto o’r dechrau a gweithio gyda’r wybodaeth y mae’r system arddangos yn ei chynnwys o flwyddyn gynharach o guraduron myfyrwyr, aeth y tîm ati i ail-gyflunio rhannau safonol i arddangos amrywiaeth cyfoethog o themâu stiwdio a prosiectau, ar sail blynyddoedd o astudio a rhaglenni, mewn gwahanol ffyrdd.
Mae ‘Addasu’ hefyd yn cyfeirio at ystod ehangach o weithgareddau sydd wedi nodweddu’r ysgol yn y flwyddyn ddiwethaf o ran nodweddion hirsefydlog ffocws a gweledigaeth yr ysgol. 2022-23, wrth gwrs, fu’r flwyddyn astudio lawn gyntaf yn ôl ar gampws yr ysgol a’r brifysgol ers y pandemig, gan ei gwneud yn ofynnol i fyfyrwyr addasu i ffyrdd newydd ac wedi’u hailddysgu o fyw a gweithio. Mae hefyd wedi bod yn flwyddyn lawn gyntaf o fywyd yn ôl yng nghartref hirdymor yr ysgol, Adeilad Bute, a gafodd ei addasu rhwng 2018 a 2022 i ddarparu ystod o gyfleusterau newydd sy’n addas ar gyfer ysgol bensaernïaeth gyfoes. Mae addasu yn thema sy’n dod i’r amlwg ar draws cwricwla a phortffolio ymchwil yr ysgol megis trwy brosiectau sy’n mynd i’r afael â defnyddioldeb a pherfformiad adeiladau hanesyddol, sy’n ceisio cynhyrchu arbedion effeithlonrwydd adnoddau trwy ailddefnyddio deunyddiau, neu sy’n annog galluoedd ymaddasol yn y dylunwyr eu hunain wrth iddynt ddatblygu cynigion iteraidd mewn ymateb i ymgynghoriad â rhanddeiliaid cymunedol. Mae addasu hefyd yn ymwneud â nod trosfwaol yr ysgol, sef cyfrannu at y trawsnewid i amgylchedd adeiledig cynaliadwy a’i greu, sy’n llywio lles cenedlaethau’r presennol a’r dyfodol ac yn gofalu am y blaned.
Yn olaf, gan fod addasu’n disgrifio’r hyn y bydd pob myfyriwr sy’n cwblhau’r flwyddyn astudio hon yn ei wneud wrth iddynt symud ymlaen yn eu cwrs neu ymlaen o’r ysgol i fydoedd newydd neu ddysgu neu waith, mae ‘addasu’ yn cyfleu moment ar drothwy newid – moment ar gyfer llongyfarchiadau gwresog a dathlu gyda’n gilydd yr hyn a gyflawnwyd gan ein myfyrwyr yn 2022-23.
Prof Juliet Davis, Head of the WSA / Pennaeth Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru