




Resolven, Neath Port Talbot, Wales, United Kingdom

Project Description

The Miners Welfare Center

The current state of the Miners Welfare Center is characterized by a closed-off and uninviting facade. The main entrance is obstructed by storage, making it inaccessible and unsuitable for all demographics in Resolven. The building lacks clarity and promotion of its contents, giving no special appeal to newcomers or a welcoming invitation to enter.

This integrated design booklet focuses on addressing the issue observed during the visit to Resolven. The goal is to reestablish the central role of the building by visually representing its identity within the community before entering. By doing so, the program aims to create a self-sufficient and community-benefiting space. Several key moments are intended to be explored as part of this process.

Sustainability considerations played a crucial role in informing the design of the new building extensions. Following the optimal solar glazing angle and magnetic declination for Resolven, two south-facing facades were positioned to maximize passive strategies while aligning with the parallel footpath. Additionally, four sustainability strategies were implemented and further detailed in the booklet to ensure the project's environmental impact is minimized.

One important aspect of the Resolven Miners Welfare Centre's development is the incorporation of a water harvesting system. Separate rainwater collection tanks will be installed for the two new builds, reducing the distance traveled by water and maximizing roof catchment areas. Although there is an initial cost associated with installing rainwater systems, the long-term savings from using filtered rainwater for various purposes, such as flushing toilets and watering the garden, as well as the sustainability benefits of water conservation, make it a worthwhile investment. The use of locally sourced materials within a 30-mile radius of the site is prioritized to reduce carbon emissions, support the local economy, and ensure cost-effective and sustainable

Zsófi Veres



Originally from Hungary, I currently live and study in the UK. Throughout my BSc years, I have explored a socially and environmentally sensitive architecture. I am passionate about equity in design with emphasis on underrepresented social groups. Using a playful and imaginative mindset, I am devoted to create spaces for unheard voices. To bring people together to share experiences.

Other work by Zsófi