Creu’r Sioe
During the early stages of the exhibition design process, the concept of ‘Adapt’ emerged from a discussion on leveraging the existing systems established for the previous year’s WSA exhibition. This involved exploring the potential of utilizing display frames and the website template to generate a fresh and captivating experience. This led to questions about how being able to adapt to incoming stimuli is something that is inherent in all good architects and what studying at the WSA teaches students. This exhibition encapsulates the spirit of transformation, as we traverse diverse architectural landscapes, confront social and environmental challenges, navigate the intricacies of multiculturalism and technological advancements, and acclimate to an ever-evolving post-pandemic reality. With each display and installation, we celebrate the inherent capacity within us to embrace change and mould it into an opportunity for growth and reinvention. ‘Adapt’ serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of architecture, reinforcing our shared commitment to shaping a better world through our designs and dedication to adaptive thinking.
Yn ystod camau cynnar y broses dylunio arddangosfa, daeth y cysyniad o ‘Addasu’ i’r amlwg o drafodaeth ar drosoli’r systemau presennol a sefydlwyd ar gyfer arddangosfa Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru y flwyddyn flaenorol. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys archwilio potensial defnyddio fframiau arddangos a thempled y wefan i greu profiad ffres a chyfareddol. Arweiniodd hyn at gwestiynau ynghylch sut mae gallu addasu i ysgogiadau sy’n dod i mewn yn rhywbeth sy’n gynhenid i bob pensaer da ac yn rhywbeth mae astudio yn Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru yn ei ddysgu i fyfyrwyr. Mae’r arddangosfa hon yn crynhoi ysbryd trawsnewid, wrth i ni groesi tirweddau pensaernïol amrywiol, wynebu heriau cymdeithasol ac amgylcheddol, cael hyd i ffordd trwy gymhlethdodau amlddiwylliannedd a datblygiadau technolegol, a dod i arfer â realiti ôl-bandemig sy’n esblygu’n barhaus. Gyda phob arddangosfa a gosodiad, rydym yn dathlu’r gallu cynhenid o’n mewn i groesawu newid a’i fowldio’n gyfle i dyfu ac ailddyfeisio. Mae ‘Addasu’ yn destament pwerus i bŵer trawsnewidiol pensaernïaeth, gan atgyfnerthu ein hymrwymiad ar y cyd i lunio byd gwell trwy ein dyluniadau a’n hymroddiad i feddwl ymaddasol.


The origin of the WSA Exhibition 2023 logo traces back to a discarded iteration from the previous year’s logo design. The concept revolved around the notion that a logo could be crafted by employing rotations and transformations of a single shape, offering endless configurations. Building upon this idea, we adapted and implemented it into this year’s logo design, utilizing three identical shapes to elegantly showcase the inscription ‘WSA 2023 Architecture’. This artistic representation serves as a metaphorical reflection of the very essence of architecture itself. Just as architecture utilises fundamental building blocks to generate infinite possibilities for creating spaces, our logo embodies the boundless creative potential that stems from the manipulation and arrangement of basic elements.
Curating the show has involved the identification of a series of cross-cutting themes each of which relates in some way to adaptability and serves to group together different student work. The themes encompass a wide array of the topics that students are taught to skilfully navigate and adapt to in their creative pursuits. From the realms of memory, culture, and heritage to the complexities of existing structures, the challenges of urban regeneration, the importance of public engagement, the preservation of ecology, the urgent realities of climate change, and the dynamic interplay of politics, each theme serves as a guiding beacon for students to explore and adapt to the multifaceted dimensions of their design journey.
Mae tarddiad logo Arddangosfa Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru 2023 yn olrhain yn ôl i iteriad a ddilewyd o ddyluniad logo’r flwyddyn flaenorol. Roedd y cysyniad yn ymwneud â’r syniad y gallai logo gael ei saernïo trwy ddefnyddio cylchdroadau a thrawsnewidiadau o un siâp, gan gynnig ffurfweddiadau di-ben-draw. Gan adeiladu ar y syniad hwn, fe wnaethom ei addasu a’i roi ar waith yn nyluniad y logo eleni, gan ddefnyddio tri siâp unfath i arddangos yr arysgrif ‘WSA 2023 Architecture’ yn gain. Mae’r gynrychiolaeth artistig hon yn adlewyrchiad trosiadol o hanfod pensaernïaeth ei hun. Yn union fel y mae pensaernïaeth yn defnyddio blociau adeiladu sylfaenol i gynhyrchu posibiliadau diddiwedd ar gyfer creu gofodau, mae ein logo yn ymgorffori’r potensial creadigol di-ben-draw sy’n deillio o drin a threfnu elfennau sylfaenol.
Mae curadu’r sioe wedi golygu nodi cyfres o themâu trawsbynciol y mae pob un ohonynt yn ymwneud mewn rhyw ffordd â’r gallu i addasu ac yn fodd i grwpio gwaith myfyrwyr gwahanol gyda’i gilydd. Mae’r themâu’n cwmpasu amrywiaeth eang o’r testunau y caiff myfyrwyr eu haddysgu i ganfod llwybr trwyddynt ac addasu iddynt yn fedrus yn eu gweithgareddau creadigol. O feysydd cof, diwylliant a threftadaeth i gymhlethdodau strwythurau presennol, heriau adfywio trefol, pwysigrwydd ymgysylltu â’r cyhoedd, cadw ecoleg, realiti brys y newid yn yr hinsawdd, a chydadwaith deinamig gwleidyddiaeth, mae pob thema yn gweithredu fel esiampl arweiniol i fyfyrwyr archwilio ac addasu i ddimensiynau amlochrog eu taith ddylunio.
Gwneuthurwyr y Sioe
Adam Hogan
Exhibition Chair
Csilla Veres Exhibition Shadow Chair
Julia Garnelo Gutiérrez
Digital Exhibition Chair
Eesha Fatima Digital Exhibition Shadow Chair
Areeba Imran
Physical Exhibition Chair
Piotr Hejdysz Physical Exhibition Shadow Chair
Rebeka Schreiter Graphics Team Lead
Tara Alizadeh Irani
Abdulla Al-Obaidly
Yumna Mansoer
Ruko Okuda
Andreas Pieras
Graphics Team
Eesha Fatima Social Media Team Lead
Tara Alizadeh Irani
Ayesha Shehzad
Paarthivi Yadav
Social Media Team
Yuge Gao Curation Team Co-lead
Sangay Dorji Wangchuk Curation Team Co-lead
Elias Khlif
Sava Kochorapov
Curation Team
Julia Garnelo Gutiérrez Yearbook Team Lead
Man Hin (Elique) Ho Yearbook Team Co-lead
Natasha Angomwile
Eesha Fatima
Elizabeth Hillier
Keerthana Nair
Yearbook Team
Csilla Veres Finance and Sponsorship Lead
Jessica Surender Events Lead
Piotr Hejdysz Physical Team Lead
Sahar Alhakkak-Martinez
Ivan Biriukov
Patrick Clarkson
Adem Corney
Millie Downes
Annabel Harris
Daniel Holman
Philip Hawkins
Trystan Jones
Snigdha Khurana
Ekta Meshiya
Fitoun Mahdi
Hassabo Omer
Sophie Page
Anthony Troy Panganiban
Allisya Shafhira Maryanto
Law King Tin
Ryan Warwick
Denislav Ignatov
Sumaiya Binte Jakir
Sian Powell
Physical Design Team
Julia Garnelo Gutiérrez Website Team Lead
Edesi Akhile
Adam Kalbouneh (Web Developer)
Steffan Williams
Eesha Fatima
Paarthivi Yadav
Sava Kochorapov
Yuge Gao
Website Team
Eesha Fatima Journalism and Media Team Lead
Akash Pravin
Shivangi Shankar
Saasha Agaskar
Sucheta Chaurasia
Journalism and Media Team
Within this section, we convey our appreciation to our sponsors for their invaluable assistance in ensuring the success of the WSA Student Exhibition 2023: Foster and Partners, Sheehan Nagle Hartray Associates, Formation Architects, Ridge Architects, Tor & Co Architects, Rio Architects, Hyde + Hyde Architects, Benham Architects, Gaunt Francis Architects, and HTA Design. We are grateful to these architectural practices for their contributions towards making this year’s exhibition a memorable event.
Yn yr adran hon, rydym yn cyfleu ein gwerthfawrogiad i’n noddwyr am eu cymorth amhrisiadwy i sicrhau llwyddiant Arddangosfa Myfyrwyr WSA 2023: Foster and Partners, Sheehan Nagle Hartray Associates, Formation Architects, Ridge Architects, Tor & Co Architects, Rio Architects, Hyde + Hyde Architects, Benham Architects, Gaunt Francis Architects, a HTA Design. Rydym yn ddiolchgar i’r practisau pensaernïol hyn am eu cyfraniadau tuag at wneud arddangosfa eleni yn ddigwyddiad cofiadwy.