Course Director

Dr Steve Coombs

At the WSA, our BSc Part I course is structured to provide a progressive and immersive engagement with the broad subjects of architectural education – design, technology, history and theory, practice, ethics and professional practice. The three years are structured to provide foundational introductions to these different areas, and to learn to apply and integrate them within specific design projects. An overarching goal of the course is to develop grounded designers equipped to address global challenges, who are: environmentally engaged; theoretically, culturally and politically aware; enterprising and highly valued by practice.
As such, being able to adapt is a critical part of the student experience. Adapting to ever changing scenarios in design, the built environment, society and to feedback involves developing ways of knowing, acting and reflecting to nurture a personal, confident sense of being on architecture and global issues. The skills to adapt are essentially formed within studio – a place for creative exploration and experimentation; a socially vibrant and engaging environment; and a community of practice with diverse experiences and engagements with peers, tutors, consultants. This is particularly evident in the broad diversity of, and output from, the Year 3 design units that have demonstrated the importance students and tutors place on working with and adapting the existing built environment for the needs for future generations.
As architectural education continues to evolve and we embrace creative and critical responses to the climate emergency, social justice and the cost of living crisis, it has been exciting to see students and staff adapt to the refurbished Bute Building. A new mix of working methods and media have provided new opportunities to engage, collaborate and explore new ethical design approaches that encourage an adaptive approach to learning.





