




Public Engagement


Resolven, Neath Port Talbot, Wales, United Kingdom

Project Description

Reimaginging Resolven through Healthy Eating

The Project is to design a space for well being in Resolven, considering the obesity rate in rural Wales and the decline in traditional industry, urban farming was chosen as an interpretation to create a new hub for the community. Reimaging the Resolven Miners welfare to look for economic longevity and sustainability within the community and provide new amenities for agriculture and healthy eating options. Including, vertical farms, a restaurant, community kitchen, lecture space and a Sunday market for the agriculture food of Neath Port Talbot

An object in Neath’s Adopted LDP was to “provide an environment that encourages healthy, active and safer lifestyles.” By reaching the local community we hope to respond to this objective through the new programme of urban farming. The programme is composed of the 3 main principles of urban farming – producing, consuming and decomposing, looking to integrate this in the lives of the people of resolven to achieve ecological balance and education of the healthy eating life styles. I aim to look at both the local community and the wider area of neath to create a regeneration in local agriculture

The Resolven Urban Farms program centers around creating healthy meals, including the preparation and cooking of food. This initiative is reminiscent of the restaurant ‘The Drift’, which had a talented chef and attracted many customers but unfortunately lacked the funds to continue.
Through the Resolven Urban Farms program, we aim to revive the restaurant while involving diverse groups within the community. This effort includes teaching essential skills related to nutrition and seasonal growing, and providing a shared kitchen space for professional chefs, community members, and children. This kitchen serves as the heart of the community, promoting relationships and well-being. In doing so, the program also helps offset the costs of running the restaurant.


Avi Ruckhunty


I am a third-year architecture graduate from WSA. With a particular interest in architecture that looks at helping marginalised communities. For my 3rd year project, I was able to use my own personal connections to South London to create a space that was relevant and necessary for the smaller ethnic communities of Whitechapel

Other work by Avi