




Public Engagement


Resolven, Neath Port Talbot, Wales, United Kingdom

Project Description

The Miners Welfare Center

We wish to deliver a agricultural hub located in Resolven as the home for all ages in local valleys to interact through nutrition in one space. It’s important for this small valley to make a close connection with the surrounding communities. An object in Neath’s Adopted LDP was to “provide an environment that encourages healthy, active and safer lifestyles”. By reaching all ages we hope to respond to this objective with our new business model. For the younger generation nutritional education is key to prevent the gap of knowledge that can cause disorders in the future.

For the older generation there is a the lack of information on how to cook themselves a nutritional meal. The building comprises a refurbished lobby and main hall, a market space, a community kitchen, a roof garden and a lecture hall/ theatre above. By providing the correct architectural spaces we hope to use this to create “healthy, active and safer lifestyles”. Our initial idea attempts to address the disconnect by providing different amenities and social interaction that would connect the different generations. At the core of the concept, we wanted to appeal to the wider area of Neath Port Talbot by create a secondary source of income and solidifying the Resolven Miners Institute as a landmark that was inclusive and conducive of social and economic

