WSA On Display: Summer Exhibition 2020
Welcome to the WSA online exhibition for 2020. Thank you for taking the time to visit us. Nearly four months after the UK lockdown began, I still struggle to find words to describe my own experience, never mind others’. We will never know everything our students have gone through to get here. But many are presenting their work in these pages because of a sheer determination to finish what they started to the highest quality. That’s worth an award in itself. When I think about our students’ resilience, I imagine makeshift studios where laptops jostle with cups of coffee on kitchen tables, and glow with screen collages of overlapping drawings, documents and chat windows. It could be the final submission for the BSc or MArch degree awards, a step towards those, or the first stage of a Masters programme. The WSA ethos of a commitment to making the world a better place fills every page of this site. We will never hear the full story. We have been deprived of the glimpses of daily triumphs and occasional desperation we see on campus. We remain oblivious to small personal struggles. So here it is: the work of an outstanding community of people, all committed to harnessing design to enrich our lives. That community embraces not just students, but academic, professional services, and technical staff, as well as an army of external tutors. Collectively, they have encouraged, chased, comforted, chided and coaxed their charges’ to deliver their best. Without them, the work and this website would not exist. Thank you. The Covid-19 pandemic, distressing and painful as it is for many – and sadly tragic for some – also lets the best character qualities shine through. The work of our students shows fortitude, responsibility, care, and hope. It confronts the challenges of climate change, inequality and the future wellbeing of humanity with compassion and intelligence. I sleep better knowing these people will shape our future. Professor Chris Tweed, Head of School | ___ | Croeso i arddangosfa ar-lein Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru (WSA) ar gyfer 2020. Diolch i chi am roi o’ch amser i ymweld â ni. Bron i bedwar mis ar ôl i gyfnod clo’r DU ddechrau, rwy’n dal i gael trafferth dod o hyd i eiriau i ddisgrifio fy mhrofiad fy hun, heb sôn am brofiad pobl eraill. Mae’n anodd gwybod beth mae ein myfyrwyr wedi ei wneud i gyrraedd yma. Ond mae llawer yn cyflwyno eu gwaith ar y tudalennau hyn oherwydd eu bod wedi ymdrechu i weithio mor galed â phosibl i orffen yr hyn a ddechreuon nhw ac i’r ansawdd uchaf. Mae hynny’n haeddu gwobr ynddo’i hun. Pan fyddaf yn meddwl am wytnwch ein myfyrwyr, rwy’n dychmygu stiwdios dros dro mewn ceginau gyda chwpanau o goffi a sgriniau ar liniaduron yn llawn o luniadau sy’n gorgyffwrdd, dogfennau a ffenestri sgwrsio. Gallai fod y cyflwyniad olaf ar gyfer gradd BSc neu MArch, cam tuag at y rheini, neu gam cyntaf rhaglen Meistr. Mae ethos WSA o ymrwymiad i wneud y byd yn lle gwell yn llenwi pob tudalen o’r wefan hon. Ni chawn fyth wybod y stori lawn. Ni chawsom mo’r cyfleoedd i gael cipolwg ar fuddugoliaethau dyddiol ac anobaith achlysurol ar y campws. Rydym wedi bod yn anymwybodol o frwydrau bach personol pawb. Felly dyma ni: gwaith cymuned ragorol o bobl y mae pob un ohonynt wedi ymrwymo i harneisio dyluniadau i gyfoethogi ein bywydau. Mae’r gymuned honno’n cofleidio nid yn unig myfyrwyr, ond staff academaidd, staff y gwasanaethau proffesiynol, a staff technegol, yn ogystal â nifer helaeth o diwtoriaid allanol. Gyda’i gilydd, maent wedi annog, cysuro, ceryddu a chymell eu myfyrwyr i gyflawni eu gorau. Hebddyn nhw, ni fyddai’r gwaith na’r wefan hon yn bodoli. Diolch yn fawr. Mae pandemig Covid-19, sydd wedi bod yn drallodus a phoenus i lawer – ac yn anffodus yn drasig i rai – hefyd yn gadael i’r rhinweddau gorau ddod i’r amlwg. Mae gwaith ein myfyrwyr yn dangos cadernid, cyfrifoldeb, gofal a gobaith. Mae’n wynebu heriau’r newid yn yr hinsawdd, anghydraddoldeb a lles dynoliaeth yn y dyfodol gyda thosturi a deallusrwydd. Rwy’n medru ymlacio gan wybod y bydd y bobl hyn yn llunio ein dyfodol. Yr Athro Chris Tweed, Pennaeth yr Ysgol |
Femi Oresanya inspires students at the exhibition launch event
Femi Oresanya, Principal at HOK and WSA Alumnus, gave an inspirational talk at the exhibition’s launch event on 15th July 2020. He reflected on his experiences of studying at WSA as well as reflecting on the need for diversity in the profession.