“Tir Ha Mor (Land & Sea)

The Isles of Scilly is a drowned landscape – after the second submergence in 2050, Hugh Town is moved 500m to the West into the Garrison. The town is in retreat from rising sea levels, by 2050 sea level is expected to rise by 2 metres on average globally2 with a temperature increase between 1.5°C and 3°C. The project is a new urban centre and settlement based at the top of a new quay with public courtyards, market and oyster bar.

Oysters as a construction material are explored as part of a closed loop system on the islands. This is a way to reduce waste and reliance on the mainland. This project develops a new oyster biomaterial which can be used like concrete to cast columns, roof tiles, and floors.

Materiality and regionalism are explored through the creation of a new town. Local granite, slate and thatch vernacular construction is explored and utilised. Construction methods are learnt from analysis of Cornish Neolithic settlements as well as island communities in the Orkney islands. This radical regionalism is enhanced by a reclaiming of the Cornish language. The ‘oystercrete’ becomes a symbol of the Scillonian. A building material of its place.

Material Exploration
The Future of the Garrison
The Entrance
The shared space

CONTACT EMAIL: alex.cox@slow-studio.co.uk

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-cox-9a1435b9/

Curated by Laura Selwood