Reflective Practice
MArch1 servers to bridge the transition from university to practice by framing opportunities for critical engagement within the workplace. The first year of the MArch is structured as a work-based, distance-learning programme, combining necessary practical experience with formal education.
WSA coursework assignments can directly enhance students’ project involvement and understanding of the industry. In addition, maintaining contact with the School and peer group provides a network of support to meet challenges encountered.
The aims of this module are to use tools of reflection, observation and participation to enhance awareness and understanding of key aspects of architectural practice, students’ own contribution towards architectural practice and how their personal skill set can be developed to enhance this contribution. There are 2 assignments: a case study examining aspects of management & communication in the students’ workplace and an online eportfolio that asks students to reflect on their own experience, personal development and observations of practice.
Students are actively encouraged to engage in current discourse and debate and question what they are seeing and doing and what it means for the future role of architect?