Yuchen Wang I have learned a lot From this ADR course through this…

Unit leaders: Marie Davidova
The aim of the collaborative unit is to investigate the synergy of ‘non-anthropocentric architecture’ (Hensel, 2013), co-design across human and non-human communities and its linkage to emerging technologies. It will test how the emerging technologies (blockchain, reading and prototyping devices) and innovative approaches to life and business (circular economy, platform and token economies) help us rethink established forms of exchange and value with regards to sustainability and cultural landscape eco-systems. By doing that, the unit will investigate the possibilities of integration of decision-making on landscapes from the ‘bottom up’ on a community level.
The unit will be run in close collaboration with Circular Landscapes Unit that specialises on circular economy. The collaborative unit proposes hands-on experience-sharing, built on synergising multiple research interests across of the unit team members. The overall holistic team-built project will explore possibilities of cities’ transition towards Post-Anthropocene for cross-species co-living. This will be approached through co-design and full-scale prototyping in the complexity of real life and real time in so called ‘real life co-design laboratory’ (Davidová, 2019; Davidová, Pánek, & Pánková, 2018). The ‘laboratory’ will be central to the unit’s collective project and is located in Grangetown community electoral ward in Cardiff. It will investigate prototyping of materialised eco-systemic interventions for cross-species habitable and edible cultural landscape eco-top. The ‘prototypical urban interventions’ (Doherty, 2005) to be developed in form of non-human dwellings and agriculture will test a generative agenda across the eco-system and its potential to interact with larger food chains and bio-corridors across the city. The project will test its linking through QR codes to their online recipes for DIY. This is to investigate if such action can support local- and visiting- makers’ communities (empowering people by skills, tool sharing and open access design). Therefore also, if it can grow a number of its own iterations. Subsequently, such prototypes and recipes will investigate on how they can be networked to a blockchain system of values investigating its use for socially and environmentally sustainable circular economy. Or generally, it will investigate on how to develop new structures for social/economic exchange 21st century models.
For more information, please see
Yuchen Wang I have learned a lot From this ADR course through this…
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