The Welsh Respite Centre for Young Carers Caregivers are individuals who must bear…
Penarth: Respite Centre
Studio tutors: Annie Bellamy, Sam Clark, Catrin Oliver Thomas
Hospice care looks after someone’s physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. This means that hospices provide a wide range of services. A core activity of modern-day hospices is the provision of ‘short breaks’; a service that local authorities are expected to deliver and is made mandatory through UK legislation.
This brief required students to consider the role of respite centres in contemporary (or future) society; to harness the potential value of architectural design in support of younger people and their well-being, in accordance with the values of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. Part of the challenge was to define a new public building typology; one that will likely necessitate adoption and adaptation of the best attributes of community/youth centres and hostels.
Rebecca Leeman
Penarth Respite Centre This project is a respite centre designed for users with…
Natalia Marchant-Martinez
Penarth Respite Centre The Penarth Respite Centre aims to provide a peaceful environment…