Creativity and Dynamism

Semi permanent community hub, where transportable plug in leisure/educational caravans move throughout different rural communities and villages.

“My project is a series of buildings meant to channel the creativity and dynamism of the people of Fochriw. Inspired by the abundance of caravans from the village, I propose a scheme where caravans are customized for leisurely and educational activities. These can periodically go from village to village and then connect to the permanent buildings in Fochriw. Here people could make use of the bigger space of the hall, or inspire the small businesses that are taking shape in the co-working space. The aim is that these neighboring villages will get used to cooperating on projects and sustain each other’s small businesses and entertainment endeavors. This will transform the way they perceive the common landscape while strengthening the position they have in the rural-urban interactions. The familiar scale of rural settlements would be mainly kept, but it would also provide a way to channel the need for movement and diversity into resilience and fun.”

Contact info:
Judith Deak

Perspective section of the crèche, lounge area of the co-working space and a mobile library.
The main view of the scheme when some of the caravans are docked in.