Birth and Rebirth of the “wall” 

The 14th century collage images show the relationship with the flatness of the background behind, in the same way that rough sleepers are almost layered against the fabric of the city behind. Giotto’s painting in “Birth and Rebirth of Public Space “ shows early forms of perspective, in which the structure of internal space is layered onto the background of the painting or folded back so that the background is painted perpendicular to the picture plain. There is a feeling that the rough sleeper withdraws from the urban life of the city into a dream world or ecstatic world of drug and or alcohol abuse or mental trauma. And the urban fabric (the background) acting like a wall, to separate people apart from each other. 

 Collage showing the relationship of rough-sleeper and the “wall”
 Collage showing the relationship of rough-sleeper and the “wall” 

Form this point I be interested by this reverse idea of “wall”, and did some exploration on different reverse idea related to the wall 

And I be inspired by the idea of Berlin wall, which was once built to separate people but what it does is bringing people together. People from west and east are together because of the wall. and the wall can be made from the recycle rubble demolished from the old shopping centre, just like the Berlin wall, It follows from the dismantling and gouging of the Berlin Wall – a time in political history to reunite the city. as the shopping centre being the actual wall of difference and Discrimination being demolished, the new wall which will join people together would emerge now,the land is enclosed by walls and the wall itself would not like any public space before, they embrace rough sleepers, the wall will have an intensity of embracing, this intensity will increase as approaching to the wall and different strategy relate to the intensity are explored. 

Perspective view of the new rubble wall
Perspective view of the new rubble wall 

The building for the public space will be a service building cares for the rough sleeper, it is located on the right side of the public space. at the centre of the building is the wall of rubble, this gabion wall will be acting like a spine in the middle of the building, it is also as an archaeology of what was once there and the building will joined by a giant stair case, when rough sleeper ascending in the building, they will have visual connection with people one top of the ramp, and rough sleeper will be at the same level as the visitors to the public space. 

Perspective view of the reception inside building
Perspective view of the reception inside building 

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