Façade study for a day lounge in a residential care home for dependent elderly and dementia patients – Erika Rees


“ Environmental Design Application has a narrower focus then the other modules, allowing for greater degree of specialisation. I chose to delve into the developing body of knowledge around the influence of the daylight spectrum of light to our circadian rhythms and well-being. EDA was also the entry point module for use of the simulation software, Designbuilder, and for putting into practice a scientific process of investigation.”

Erika Rees

Daylighting Design of an Illustrator’s studio in Cardiff – Lucy Cadena


“The EDA module provided an opportunity for me to put into practice much of the theory I had learned in previous taught modules. The module unfolded as an iterative and collaborative design process that allowed participants to explore the effects of window design on the amount and quality of natural light in a space, and then to develop their own brief, and further hone and refine the design to the requirements of that brief. This meant that, once I reached the individual stage of the design process, I already had a wealth of shared ideas and data to draw from, while having the independence to get creative with a brief that was aligned with my interests as a designer. This was also my first experience using a computer design programme, so I was able to learn and apply this skill as the module progressed.”

Lucy Cadena