“The Mystery of Shadows”

Shadows or holes in the light can stimulate curiosity by simplifying familiar objects into flat colourless absences of light. These absences can evoke a deeper reflection of our self and the world around us. Shadows in architecture can be a tool in shaping the atmosphere of spaces. The experience of architecture can be enriched with deeper meaning through the ‘absences of light’. Experience and meaning vary according to the user’s ideas, perception and memory.

The rich surrealist photographic journey of Lee Miller is selected as a suitable means of expression and inspiration of the thesis. Her career is identified in 4 distinct periods which will be reflected in 4 different sections within a permanent collection space – these will respond architecturally to the artistic approach of each phase of her career.

The rich surrealist photographic journey of Lee Miller is selected as a suitable means of expression and inspiration of the thesis. Her career is identified in 4 distinct periods which will be reflected in 4 different sections within a permanent collection space – these will respond architecturally to the artistic approach of each phase of her career.

An abandoned factory in East London is chosen to express the paradox embedded in the landscape of the East End while accommodating the enigmatic play of shadows. The scheme will house a permanent exhibition of Lee Miller’s photographs and a temporary Surrealism exhibition, together with a library, archive and study spaces; a cafe and a shop. The shadows of each space are manipulated differently, in order to construct different atmospheric qualities, expressing the character of each space and responding to its use.

This 3D image forms a snapshot of a permanent exhibition within the building, showing lighting and shade within the space. This image has been produced by a physical model.

Permanent Exhibition – Egypt Section

This 3D image forms a snapshot of another permanent exhibition within the building, showing lighting and shade within the space. This image has been produced by a physical model.

Permanent Exhibition – Fashion Section

This perspective sections shows the scale of the existing building and the spaces designed within.

Perspective Section

This 3D image forms a snapshot of a temporary exhibition within the building, showing lighting and shade within the space. This image has been produced by a physical model.

Temporary Exhibition

CONTACT EMAIL: maria.mh.hadj@gmail.com

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-hadjicharalambous-58710413a

Curated by Ellie Hardman-Cheer