The Bath House

Located in an impoverished area of Margate, Cliftonville, and known for its growing social issues, the project aims to change the neighbourhood’s prospects, while raising awareness of its major problems. With the core focus on a large ongoing conflict with drug abuse.

Perspective view from sea
Outside Perspective

The proposal will improve the quality of life of those around, as bath houses are known to be places that replace unhealthy habits with unlimited healthy ones, allowing people to pursue a newer, healthier lifestyle. Divided into three defining programmes to serve the needs and requirements of the public and ensure a successful design; a programme tailored for drug abusers, as a mean to help them reintegrate into society, secondly a programme focused on the general public, with overall health benefits,  and lastly the general space of relaxation within the bath house, available to everyone. The bath house stands as a getaway space where people can find the motivation to change, birthing new economic, social, and political possibilities in the future.

Section through back alley
Section Drawing

Designing a vertical collection of immersive experiences carefully curated around the programme of my proposal, all individually designed to enhance the human experience. As each level builds on top of one another, serving a different purpose, holding a different programme, spaces are tailored by architectural tools to be unique, as well as part of the full experience one will participate in while attending the bath house.

Architecture is the means that molds the space and the desired program into an intervention, architecture thought the senses.

Exploded axo with deconstructed facade
Exploded Axonometric

Portfolio Extracts

