Day 1: Research-Focused
Date: 20 June 2022
Time: 4pm
Variety of presentations of research carried out by students and researchers within WSA.
16:10: "Hidden Voices, Hidden Gems"
by Shade Abdul
16:30: "Shaping the Surface: Exploring qualities of materiality and surface in British architectural design."
by Stephen Kite
16:50: "The refugee city : The underlying values in the alternative practices of urbanism in Amsterdam"
by Monisha Peter
17:10: "A Theatre of Complexity – A Relational and Dynamic Framework for Heritage and Sustainability"
by Lui Tam
17:30: "Liveable Urbanism: challenges of urbanisation in global south"
by Shibu Raman
17:50: "Break"
18:00: "Bangers, BBQs and air quality"
by Simon Lannon
18:20: "Decision-making for Regenerative design: Helping future generations to meet UN Sustainable Development Goals"
by Clarice Bleil De Souza
18:40: "Interractive Architecture for People with Learning Disabilities: Utilizing Co-Design to Move towards equitable Public Buildings. "
by Menatalla Kasem
19:00: "CircuBED – transitioning towards sustainable circular cities."
by Marianna Marchesi
Event Finished