Care Circle

Care Circle




Existing Structures


Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom

Project Description

Combining the production and circulation of "medicine"

As an extension of last semester's work, I became more interested in the connection between producers and consumers. And since the bottom floor of the last perfume store was more of a healing space, I started to explore more healing methods and their audiences.

Then I learned about some special forms of healing. For example, Tom recommended me to watch the documentary about extracting elements from mushrooms as soothing agents and so on, including the next page that I focused on exploring the way of dream therapy. These are not very mature therapies that have been done, they are niche therapies that are still being explored, so they are more about building relationships with patients to gain experience.

First of all, I want to look at the exact sizes that are needed for the different things and that touches on that size thing. Then I wanted to place those within particular scenes, within my story boards.

But also, when I looked at the site, I wanted to imagine it like that patchwork of different types of healing in a landscape. I think those three things then work together as my design.