The Custodian

The Custodian




Existing Structures Memory Public Engagement


Belleek, County Fermanagh, Ulster, Northern Ireland, BT93 3FX, United Kingdom

Project Description

The Custodian

Belleek is a small town that lies on the contested border between the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Belleek got its identity from its porcelain pottery but in the background, the town’s developmental history is fading away into forgotten memories.

Part of this forgotten history is a ruined home situated on Belleek Island that was once occupied by a custodian of the floodgates that operated in Belleek for 70 years. This project draws on the concept of The Custodian and the many ways it manifests itself in different contexts.

For example, through a historical lens, The Custodian once referred to the guardian, gatekeeper, and sole operator of the floodgates - opened in 1883 - a key role for whomever the title was given to in Belleek. Now, The Custodian holds less significance in the community and now refers to the Belleek History Society which is bringing new light on once-lost history. Using a catalogue of locally owned miscellaneous items my program aims to bring back the title of Custodian to Belleek and the island and encourage local people to embrace their town in a new light under the role of a new custodian.

Through experimentation of reclaimed materials and in-depth research into the history of Ireland and its contested border, I have been able to create a multi-layered proposal that tackles the themes of Public Engagement, Existing Structures and Memory.