Thresholds and Barriers Shaping Indeterminate Spaces

Thresholds and Barriers Shaping Indeterminate Spaces




Existing Structures Public Engagement


Cardiff, Wales, CF10 2AF, United Kingdom

Project Description

Indeterminate Specificity

Spaces and buildings that have been designed with a determined programmatic function will struggle to adapt to any other program. A building designed as a multi-storey car park will find it difficult to be anything but a multi-storey car park. For buildings to become more sustainable we must design to sustain multiple programs through its designed lifetime. As the designed building looks toward the future it is fundamental that it contributes to its urban condition, a setting in the metropolitan city of Cardiff.

Through intentional analysis of the current situation of the site, the designed building attempts to positively contribute to its surrounding urban context. The site, which is approached through various means of travel. Each approach suggests a different design opportunity for a facade of the building and a specific urban role. Perception will alter with each approach, so how does my building aid an individual’s perception of place?

Through the exploration of the architectural elements of thresholds and barriers, this design tests a hypothesis to understand their role in shaping indeterminate spaces and their overall impact on an individual’s perception of place. The creation of a design thesis booklet guided design development throughout the project. Analysis of buildings such as De Rotterdam by OMA developed an understanding how the graduation of volume in spaces will promote specific public or private experiences. Through iteration, the form of the floorplate was designed to work incredibly hard to adapt to any given program. A process of scenario testing was completed to show how the building can be filled given a range of typical programmatic functions featured around the site.

Specific design urban gestures around the immediate urban realm solidify the building's contribution to Cardiff’s metropolitan landscape. The integration of the architectural elements of thresholds and barriers within the building would suggest how they provide the means for a space to become adaptable; to mould to an individual’s lifestyle, and to promote a positive experience.

Elliot Follows



Currently, I'm interested in sustainable design and how to build for the future. Looking ahead I'd like to explore how future technologies can aid architectural design.