Dynamic pavilion

Dynamic pavilion


Bute Park, Castle, Cardiff, Wales, CF, United Kingdom

Project Description

Cabinet of the River

The main theme of this project is dynamic. This was inspired by a visit to Bute Park, where the combination of well kept gardens and river created such a peaceful and friendly atmosphere.

It was a small waterfall running under the Blackweir bridge that was generating that sound, which made me feel about the dynamic of this spot. In this respect, I wanted to transform my metaphysical feeling into a hylic form.

To achieve this goal, I started artwork with a very low dimensional 2D drawing. This drawing developed again into a 3 dimensional design with the keyword I found from that. As a next step, spatial quality was found that can be applied into real architectural quality.

As a final stage, according to keywords, I designed a dynamical pavilion for citizens.

JaeHyun Byeon


Atelier B

I am a first-year student from South Korea, with a dream to build and design a church. My favourite architect is Antoni Gaudi and I also really love Archigram. My architectural interest is particularly in topics concerning boundaries. I wish to further research this and ultimately develop my own interpretation of boundaries in architecture.

Other work by JaeHyun