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Vivien Neoh |

Sustainability; noun. Definition: the ability to continue or be continued for a long time (Oxford Dictionaries, 2022) My key interest in architecture is sustainability - how can a place be designed with systems and processes that ensure that it is economically viable in the long term, remains relevant to surrounding communities and uses resources in a way that is not harmful to the environment? Seeking the triple bottom line of sustainability in architecture is important in improving quality of life and wellbeing, and my thesis hones in on water and connectivity as resources to capitalise on to push this concept.

Rising Tides

Designing water sensitive, flood resilient and liveable cities

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Work from 2021

Llandaff Theatre Centre

A group project, where the initial concept was further developed individually, leading to a performing arts centre for the Llandaff community situated in the historic Bishop's Palace

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