Carbon Coal to Net Zero

Carbon Coal to Net Zero


Resolven, Neath Port Talbot, Wales, United Kingdom

Project Description

Carbon Coal to Net Zero

Our team’s initial response was to really engage with the poetic history of Resolven and its important connection to its coal mining industry.

With our team’s ‘From carbon coal to net zero’ epigram, our future aim is for Resolven to become a virtuous example of rural revitalisation within the context of Welsh Collieries, whilst also becoming a leading community in renewable energy.

Our team will look to optimise the building’s place in the community’s heart while using the wide range of skill sets available to increase education, jobs, and status in the Valley's once more.

The design should be considered holistically to enhance the experience of the users, through an appreciation for the available opportunities, the building's potential and its wider reach.

We aim to engage with the building through multiple scales, looking to efficiently regenerate, appropriately integrate, and effectively connect The Miners Welfare and Resolven into a wider self-sustaining community.