Chapel, foodbank, and café built amongst green landscaping.

Chapel, foodbank, and café built amongst green landscaping.


Watford, Hertfordshire, East of England, England, WD19 7NN, United Kingdom

Project Description

Change, for a brighter tomorrow

Recover and renew/ stitching and mending.

The university of Bristol have permission from the council to build 3 high rise university buildings, demolishing a tyre unit, car servicing department, the Labyrin paper printing press complex, and Matter who specialise in dishwasher filters. Recycling the rubble that these buildings will generate, I propose to reuse the rubble for the slab system my landscape and buildings will sit on. Recycling back into the economic cycle is not only beneficial for the environment, but also cost effective for the client.

The collection of 3 white gem buildings are specifically placed on this landscape in space to portray there individually special sweet gem feel. Materially all different, their similar volumes allow them to speak in different ways self dependently. Standing out from the context (just as the Laban building does, as well as my proposal box in semester 1), the moments within the architecture behind the landscape and buildings inject instant conversation within the immediate and further community, enhancing the interaction within public life.

Design tutors: Siobhan O'Keeffe, Joshua Wyles and Ryan Roberts.
Unit 10: Recover and renew.
BSc Year 3.

James Nightingale


Hello, my name is James. In my own work I have enjoyed working with model making, bright colours, textures, and materials. Interested in the movements of people and how they interact with a threshold excites me. Psychology is a fascinating subject and self-reading about it builds my knowledge on how my architecture can shape how we move and use a space.