Ownership of the Water

Ownership of the Water


Kochi, Ernakulam district, Kerala, 682005, India

Project Description

Giving Kochi’s waterways back to its people and wildlife

Kochi has experienced a severe decline in the quality of its canal system, and thus the the biodiversity that relies upon it. The citizens of the city have become disconnected from the water due to disastrous planning habits as well as the health hazards associated with the water’s pollution.

The water provides life and resilience to all users within the urban environment, and it is imperative that this type of natural infrastructure is maintained and able to thrive.

The proposal connects the people and wildlife of Kochi back to the water by incorporating a number of strategies. For example, the implementation of increased levels of biodiversity throughout the city and site will allow the ecosystem to re-strengthen and regain its previous vitality. Measures have been employed to bring users physically closer to the water via stairways and lowered areas.

The programme entails a waste water treatment plant integrated into an education centre - along a linear green corridor within the urban setting. The sewage plant addresses the short team need to rid the canal system of dangerous pollutants and particulates; the education centre begins a process of instilling wonder and joy into Kochi’s future generations. This multi-faceted proposal works towards a clean and strong ecosystem for many years to come.

The problems arising from poor governance and planning were a particular challenge, causing many nuanced issues throughout the urban setting. The project thus had to take a multi-pronged approach to fixing these problems. Mapping the interrelationships within the city became a key part of the overall strategy