Steps Of Growth

Steps Of Growth


Cilycwm, Karmartenšyras, Velsas, SA20 0ST, Jungtinė Karalystė

Project Description

Housing project

Creating a living environment where a person's comfort and growth are enhanced compared to a city landscape and traditional rural village infrastructures.

Giving an opportunity for creating a relationship between the housing and Cilycwm communities.

Creating a Masterplan design which would be intimately integrated into the landscape.

Happiness is the target of the Steps of Growth housing project. Happiness should come from trust in each other in the housing community and Cilycwm, everyday opportunity to delve into your interest, the comfort of a city, and the naturalism of a rural landscape.

The integration needs to happen as the landscape has natural qualities and original functions - connection to the last dense forest area, playground, and public green area for community activities.

The housing scheme provides different house types for other families, commercial shops to give an opportunity of starting a busyness and dealing with the problem of grocery shops being 10 min by car away, a workshop for providing a place to work in a public environment and Captured gardens for a private escape. The scheme should be able to offer activities in line with the resident's interests.

The interaction between communities would happen in public, semi-public green spaces and other facilities, such as commercial structures, workshops, and kid playgrounds.

The integration is created through a rigid sloppiness of the design that follows the original landscape shape before the land flattening and a biodiverse tree grid for minimal textual drift.

The project focused on producing architecture for everyday life, and choosing to target the user's happiness was a direction I decided to follow. \ Creating such an environment came first from personal experience and then from research on ODA's urban planning. Looking at a person's psychological needs, I concluded that Maslow's pyramid of needs is the optimal guide for the scheme. In the end, tactical research into happiness and design solutions to create a connection to the site formed the design. It was an enjoyable journey, as it also gave me an understanding of my favorite living conditions.

Nojus Kalinauskas



Hi, I am Nojus Kalinauskas, recently finished my Part 1 of architecture at Cardiff University. My design interests lie in contemporary, sustainable, buildable, reasoning driven and atmospherically rich architecture.

Other work by Nojus