The Last Dance

The Last Dance

Project Description

Computational Form-Finding

This project is an exploration of material systems and generative design
using the last dance with Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire.

The initial data was taken by rotoscoping the movements of the dance while tracking the hand and foot gestures as the duo moved in harmony across the dance floor. The tracking of
singular moments throughout the dance allows for a stationary object to
encapsulate the movement and spatial relationship.

The tensile mesh component exhibits the negative space between Ginger and Fred that shows their movement through space. This form serves as the primary focus, utilizing the other materials as external forces that work in unison to tension the mesh. The Voronoi structure serves to pinpoint the tethering points in space, and tension the external points of the mesh. The perspex component acts as the final component which restrains the structure, pulling the mesh and structure into its
final tensioned position and rendering them immobile.

The final design and model show the dynamic spatial relationship showcased with the tensile material, and the exploration of material studies can be seen in the unison of the materials.